Streamlabs Chatbot Download Mac

Add Mac support for Streamlabs Chatbot, please. Seeing as I use Streamlabs for most things, the addition of Chatbot to Streamlabs should mean I no longer have to rely on a competitive and similar bot. Mac support would be nice for those of us that don’t have a Windows PC and don’t want to buy o. Streamlabs Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free cloud-based live streaming software for Windows and Mac. Today, Streamlabs is announcing an update to the Mac version. Among general bug fixes, live streamers can now use Multistream and Virtual Cam.

Castorr’s Lazy Pack offer a variety of things!
The two main things are a lots of new $parameters that can be used in custom commands as well as a response to when !songrequest or !sr is used alone with nothing behind it.
Mixed in key mashup mac download. The parameters offer an easy way to use custom api calls and the ability to trigger GIFs through an obs browser source in your streaming software! It also offers a couple of parameters from other known twitch
bots so you easily can copy paste your commands without worrying too much about updating the parameters. Java 7 runtime download mac. Cod mw3 free download mac.

  • $weather(Location) – Shows the weather for the location
  • $followage(Username) – Shows how long the user have been following your channel
  • $followdate(Username) – shows what date the user followed your channel
  • $avatar(Username) – Returns a link to the users twitch avatar in 300×300 pixels
  • $touser – Works as $target if one is given, and $user if not
  • $cviewers – Shows the current amount of viewers for your channel
  • $views – Shows the total amount of views your channel has
  • $subemotes – Shows all the sub emotes for your channel
  • $bttvemotes – Shows all the BTTV emotes you got in the channel
  • $ffzemotes – Shows all the FFZ emotes you got in the channel
  • $latestyt – Links your latest YouTube video
  • $latesttweet – Your latest tweet – uses the settings set in the UI
  • $age – Shows the time of creation for the twitch account specified, if no target is picked it check users
  • $ctt – Posts the click to tweet link based on the set link.
  • $setctt – Sets the link used for $ctt
  • $sessionfollows – Show amount of follows for current session
  • $lastfollow – Returns name of last follower
  • $torand – Returns target and random user if no target is present
  • $sound(File.Format) – Plays the sound, file must be name.fileformat and be placed in the sounds folder. Example: $sound(Test.mp3)
  • $gif(<Link>,<Duration>) – Shows the gif linked in the index.html for <DURATION> seconds, link can also be the full filepath including fileformat (c:/users/castorr/desktop/test.gif)
  • $ctime – Like $time but using the format set in the UI
  • $cdate – Like $date but using the format set in the UI
  • $cranduser – Like $randuser but allows for exclusions, added in the UI
  • $ctarget – Works just like $target but ignores @ infront of usernames
  • $(user)
  • $(touser)
  • $(query)
  • $(querystring)
  • $(weather Location)
  • $(urlfetch API)
  • $(time Timezone)

Streamlabs Chatbot Download Mac Os

  • ${user}
  • ${}
  • ${user.points}
  • ${user.points_rank}
  • ${user.time_online}
  • ${user.time_online_rank}
  • ${sender}
  • ${source}
  • ${title}
  • ${status}
  • ${game}
  • ${pointsname}
  • ${channel}
  • ${channel.viewers}
  • ${channel.views}
  • ${channel.followers}
  • ${channel.subs}
  • ${random.chatter}
  • ${uptime}
  • @user@
  • @viewers@
  • @time@
  • @time24@
  • @title@
  • @pointsname@
  • @target@
  • @pointstolevelup@
  • @randomuser@
  • @points@
  • @intpoints@
  • @hrstolevelup@
  • @hours@
  • @getcounter@
  • @game@
  • @followers@
  • @counter@
  • @followdate@
  • @subs@
  • @customapi@
  • (sender)
  • (@sender)
  • (touser)
  • (pointtouser)
  • (currenttime)
  • (#)
  • (random)
  • (pointname)
  • (uptime)
  • (game)
  • (status)
  • (viewers)
  • (follows)
  • (count)
  • (senderrank)
  • (readfile FILEPATH/FILE.txt)
  • (readfilerand FILEPATH/FILE.txt)
  • (echo)
  • (titleinfo)
  • (gameinfo)
  • (channelname)
  • (subscribers)
  • (age)
  • $(channel_name)
  • $(random_viewer)
  • $random(min,max)
  • $(current_game)
  • $(current_viewers)
  • $(todayFollow)
  • $(last_follow_name)
  • $(session_followers)
  • $(follow_count)
  • $(sub_count)


Streamlabs Chatbot Download Mac

Streamlabs For Mac Os

  • v1.1.0
    • Fixed use of more than one parameter at once
    • Added usercooldown to !sr and !songrequest
    • Parsing is now using less built in parameters
    • Added options to disable parameters from other bots
    • Removed (1) to (9) because they broke built in parameters
    • Improved compability for gif links
  • v1.0.14
    • Fixed api’s using $mychannel
    • Removed $touser as it’s built in now
  • v1.0.13
    • Updated to work with Youtube
    • $ctt and $setctt now support url shortener

Streamlab For Mac

  • Scriptname: Castorr’s Lazy Pack
  • Author: Castorr91
  • Last Update: 2018-02-27
  • Website: